Healing Relationships and Providing Hope: Deborah’s Story

Deborah’s story is one of hope and healing … for her and her entire family. 

When Deborah was a young teenager, she was abused by a nearby neighbor. This experience was traumatic for Deborah—and difficult for her entire family.  After the abuse happened and she became pregnant, her father was cold and distant toward her as he wrestled with the ripple effects of the abuse. Then, their family found The Kukhoma Project.

Deborah was 15 when she was admitted to the TKP house. Through counseling, nutrition, education, and connections with friends who understood what she was going through, she began to heal.

As part of our program, the families of our girls receive trauma therapy services, too. Deborah’s father was able to process his emotions through counseling and rebuild trust with his daughter. He remains grateful to TKP and his counselor for restoring his relationship with his daughter. 

Deborah received high-quality prenatal medical care during her time at the TKP house and delivered a healthy baby—the first in her family to be born HIV-negative. 

When it was time for Deborah to return home, TKP supported her reintegration by providing additional counseling support.

Just like Deborah, each girl who comes under our care gets support specific to her unique situation—helping her grow, heal, and hope again. 

Ian Haisley