Watch our latest videos below!

2023 - Announcing Our Community Program

1 in 3 women across the world will experience gender-based violence their lifetime; and in Zambia, there are few resources to help these victims.

We are excited to launch our community outreach program as we partner with other local leaders. Our mission is to restore, equip, and empower young women who have suffered abuse; and with our community efforts, we are able to help a greater number of girls and women beyond the walls of our TKP house.


2021 Highlights

2021 was a year of incredible growth - of our girls and babies, their families, and our programs. Watch our traditional end-of-year highlight video and celebrate all that God has done since our very earliest days as an organization. He has brought TKP so far in just a few years!

(We’re not crying, you are.)


Fall Virtual Event 2020

We held our first virtual event in November 2020! Couldn’t join us live? Watch the full event here.


Interview: Lubi Kwendakwema, on Trauma Counseling in Zambia

We sat down with Lubi Kwendakwema, licensed clinical psychologist of MNK Psychotherapy, TKP's counseling partner. Lubi shares about trauma counseling in Zambia - current cultural misconceptions, long-term effects of unaddressed trauma, her vision to make counseling more accessible in Zambia, and how The Kukhoma Project is part of that vision.


The Kukhoma Project: RESTORE

A core part of TKP's mission is to see abused, traumatized girls experience healing and restoration - emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally.

Watch as The Kukhoma Project staff share how, in just a year and a half since their official opening, they've seen incredible restoration in the girls, the girls' families, and even themselves.


2020 Highlight Video

We have so much to praise God for this year! Watch along as we highlight some of The Kukhoma Project's favorite moments of 2020.